Going Through the Menopause?
The Menopause has recently been a hot topic in the media, but what exactly is this condition and is there anything we can do about it?
It is accepted that the average age of the Menopause is 51 years, it can start as early as 40 years and as late as 55 years. The menopause occurs when there are no eggs left in the ovaries. This results in reduced levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone being produced. The work of producing the needed oestrogen is now transferred to the Adrenal Glands. Now that the ovaries are not producing the required oestrogen, the Adrenals take over the production. This is only effective if the adrenal glands are able to cope with this added pressure. The adrenals are what help us cope with life’s stresses. So, when they struggle, we struggle. If we’re of that age, then we suffer with the menopausal symptoms.
Are you in the midst of the Menopause?
Are you experiencing hot flashes, headaches, atophic vaginitis, cold hand/feet, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, urinary tract infections?
Whilst they may indicate the menopause, there’s no need to succumb to mother nature, there are many natural ways to reduce these symptoms:
- Exercise– Regular, moderate exercise
- Diet– The most important aspect here is to eat a predominately plant based diet and to reduce animal foods. Plant based foods are high in phytoestrogen (which mimic the effects of oestrogen in the body). Foods high in phytoestrogen include soya beans, soy produce, flaxseeds, apples, carrots, fennel, celery, parsley, legumes. Include foods high in Calcium and Vitamin D also, foods such as kale, sardines, beans, tofu, collard greens, oily fish, eggs and plenty of exposure to the sun (a minimum of 30 minutes per day). Avoiding any trigger foods will also help, such as sugar, spicy foods, caffeine and alcohol. Of course, these can vary from person to person. Are you drinking enough water? Drinking throughout the day is far more beneficial than drinking all in one go!
- Remedies– You may find that Macca, Red Clover, St John’s Wart, Dong Quai, Black Cohosh are beneficial in reducing symptoms. However, these should be administered by a professional, of course.
Whether you’re suffering with menopause or per-menopausal symptoms or are keen to prevent the ‘inevitable’, a natural remedy isn’t far away!