What Does Beauty Mean To You?

Since the age of 20 my entire professional career has been within the realms of ‘Beauty’ whether Lux Wedding Make-up and Hair, Clinical Aesthetics or Editorial Make-up Artistry. My fascination for the transformative effects of make-up began much younger when it became a trusted friend to me whilst being viciously bullied at school from the age of 13. At that tender age there was no sense of ‘Self’. It was survival. Following trends and wearing make-up bought me an identity to please others and therefore a peaceful day ahead. When the fog cleared after I changed schools and completed my A-levels, Make-up Artistry became an art form with a renewed sophistication. An inner drive bubbled, along with a spirit for adventure and desire to escape and I moved to London on my own at 18 to attend London Collage of Fashion. Here was a mecca for bewildering cocktails of ‘individualism’ meets ‘conforming’ to the fashion industry ideals; even just as a pro MUA. I discovered quickly which side I sat and it was on the side of Authenticity. Real Women; real beauty and real lives to make a valuable difference to; just as I had ‘helped’ myself through my teenage years. The brand Bobbi Brown came calling and gave me further training to embrace this ‘vibe’ and I felt I had found my flow. Skip ahead a decade or so and I have enjoyed the most amazing career of UK and International work for wonderful luxury weddings and editorial work. As I grew through my 20’s an immense respect manifested for the very real impact make-up artistry has on a Woman’s state of mind. At a few times in my life; I have been broken. No other word for it. My art, or ‘weapon’, make-up artistry and self care, has saved me more than once.
In the past few years, through a variety of experiences, authenticity has become my biggest motivation and passion. Beauty has become less ‘visual’ and more a State of Mind and Being. I have seen qualities in people that are hugely undesirable and akin to a definite ‘non-beauty’. Now ‘Beauty’ to me is Grace; Subtlety; Compassion and an unshakeable Resilience. It is also the freedom to be creative and explore other forms of Beauty outside of the obvious. One of the saddest things to see in the past few years has been the obsession with the ‘uniform’ make-up look so many girls are hell-bent on wearing. Everyone looks the same! Being asked to provide these looks as a MUA with scant regard as to whether it would actually suit them was frankly depressing. Your own beauty is powerful; use it! This ghastly ‘season’ in beauty fuelled me to
actively rebuff trend-backing even more. And in doing so, my confidence to Be and Do what I want has mercifully grown again. Doing your own thing in your own style; being brave; making and breaking your own rules; refusing to follow trend & living with mindful consciousness is a true essence of Beauty.
Beauty is such an emotive subject and upon writing this article I couldn’t wait to hear other Women’s thoughts and individual journey’s. A little apprehensive too that some may view beauty in a feared archaic and typical form but I couldn’t have been more soothed, and proud, upon reading their wonderful offerings. We’re in a new era; yes Minimalism and Mindfulness could be classed as the latest trend perhaps, but I feel it’s bigger than that. Beauty is a way of living; a conscious movement in how we view our own identities and our perception of beauty in others. It’s embracing our sense of Self; wholly unapologetically and unreservedly.
Here are their honest, wonderful responses! Thank you to you all for each of your contributions.
TAMSIN FORD Blossom & Nectar

I think we feel bloody awesome some days and love a red lipstick with our favourite feel good song playing in our head strutting down the road like Sex in the City. Other times we’re rocking the elasticated waistband, beans on toast and feel brilliant. Beauty means to me not just our image but a feeling, a gesture, a smile. Seeing my children rocking their insta pics. My dog asleep in the tiniest patch of sun. Beauty is judged from aesthetic view points and this is great, I plan to be Cher when I’m grown up. However to me beauty is also very individual, its what the heart sees that matters and not always the red lipstick. A feeling you get when you see a colour that makes you happy or calm, an art gallery or the brilliance of a massive attack song. A flower or an ocean wave. Beauty to me is a feeling that makes me smile and when you see someone who has the look that their theme song is playing in their head.
Check out Blossom & Nectar by clicking the link: https://blossomandnectar.co.uk/
ROSIE ORETTI Tropic Ambassador

If you had asked me this question thirty or so years ago, you would have had a different response. My default would have been to focus on external appearance only. My measuring tool would have been to assess how closely a persons’ (and my own) appearance matched the prevailing societal view of ‘beautiful’. There in lies the conundrum. Every society places different value upon certain external characteristics but these preferences are not permanent, they change over time. You only have to look at eyebrow shapes over the years! I’m now certainly older and possibly wiser. I have worked with many women with debilitating low self-esteem, poor confidence and distorted body image. So, here it is. For me, true beauty comes from within, and radiates out into the world. There is nothing more beautiful than a woman being unapologetically herself, comfortable in her perfect imperfection. Real beauty is the way a woman exhibits her joy. The way you live your life will be reflected in your face, body and skin. So, live your life in good spirits, have fun, be compassionate. A pretty face, a fit body, fashion choices are meant to be enhancements, they don’t define YOU as a person.
Check out Tropic Ambassador by clicking the link: https://tropicskincare.com/pages/ambassadors

Beauty means confidence, acceptance, feeling empowered and being kind to ourselves. We all have our own ideas and perceptions of beauty, which is why comparison is pointless and why we need a whole lot of self love.
Warrior Women Events recently covered the subject Skin Deep Beauty and for me, and what I took from the speakers, beauty means confidence, acceptance, feeling empowered and being kind to ourselves. We all have our own ideas and perceptions of beauty, which is why comparison is pointless and why we need a whole lot of self love.
Check out I Can Cards by clicking the link: https://icancards.co.uk/

SHAKIRA HOWARD FootballerThe word ugly shouldn’t exist. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, when you feel good about yourself and when you find strengths in your imperfections. Loving yourself, and being confident with yourself, makes you beautiful.
SIONED OWEN Tanya Whitebits

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and individual beauty is your personal prerogative. For me health, beauty and well being come hand in hand and I believe that if you look good you feel good, whether that may be make up, fake tan, nails, aesthetic or dental procedures, it’s ultimately about feeling that you are the best version of yourself but in a healthy way not in a negative or obsessive way. Beauty is about self care and part of a daily ritual for lots of people.
Check out Tanya Whitebits by clicking the link: https://tanyawhitebits.co.uk/

To me beauty is such an abstract term. We are taught from the minute we are born that the ideals shown in media are the pinnacle of what it is to be beautiful. Years of unlearning has now led me to my own understanding, that when we are happy and healthy we are our most beautiful. Living true to ourselves is beauty. Respecting our body and minds is beauty. When we do this we radiate that to others. Beauty is not thinness and perfect make up and hair.
Check out Fizzgoespop by clicking the link: https://www.fizzgoespop.com/
IZABEL OAG Executive Assistant

When I ask myself “what is beauty to me?†the first thought that comes to my mind is nature. The beauty all around us that often our very busy lives don’t give us enough time to stop and breathe to take it in. Then my brain did some sort of reality check. Beauty, oh beauty, that word associated to make up, looks, being skinny, being tall, looking just like a model. In the space of 20 seconds my mind was taken away from outside my window back to our ever influencing social media feeds and this ideal of beauty being someone who contains them self into a one size fits all Kardashian style sandwich. But this leads me to think does my brain turn this way as I don’t allow myself enough time away from my social media feeds to truly appreciate the beauty in my environment and off my brain flickers to the perfect model and epitome of beauty splashed across my Instagram feed. Beauty at this moment to me is being able to put down my phone and to put down my preconceptions and to pause, step Outside, take a deep breathe and to be truly present in the moment. To appreciate real life that is happening around me. Beauty to me is life and life is precious.
Cara Heath Photographer

Beauty to me isn’t a aesthetic thing. It’s beautiful to be kind. The beauty of life comes from the small things, the small interactions you have with strangers giving them a friendly smile, hello or helping them in some small way. I think people being comfortable in your own skin with out conforming to societal pressures is beautiful, where we all encourage people to be who they want to be.
Make sure to go and check out Cara’s website by clicking the link here: https://www.caraheathphotography.co.uk/
Charlotte Thrupp Beauty Blogger

noun: beauty; plural noun: beauties
a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.
Can you define beauty? For me, beauty is more than just ‘how something or someone looks’. As somebody who adores all things makeup and fashion, I have noticed how stereotyped the word, ‘beauty’ has actually become. In a world where social media influences many people globally, it’s sometimes hard to understand what is real and what is not. I try to see the beauty in everything, whether it be stunning scenic landscapes, the smell of a new perfume or simply having a cuppa in the garden. Now these things may not be everyone’s “cups of teaâ€, but I’ve become a lot more mindful to the little things in life and appreciate even the smallest details.
“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself” – Coco Chanel
Check out Charlotte’s Twitter by clicking the link here: https://twitter.com/beautyandshe7?lang=en
Leighare Phillips Salon Director of The Hair Business

What Beauty really means to me … I love to see women who are comfortable within in them selves.. making the best of there looks whatever shape size or culture … I feel that Hair is important because it can give you so much more than looking fabulous!
Make sure you check out The Hair Business website by clicking the link here: http://www.hairbusiness.co.uk/
Charlotte Joy Make up Services
When I was younger Beauty to me used to be all the cliches ; slim legs, flat tummy, button nose etc. Now I’m older my perception of beauty is totally different. Authenticity makes someone beautiful, along with being warm, smiley, kind & charismatic. Makeup may be able to cover aesthetic flaws but it can’t hide an ugly personality. For the outside being healthy is number one. A little bit of lipstick or mascara for the confidence doesn’t hurt either, as long as that works for you!
Make sure to check out Charlotte Joy’s website by clicking the link here: http://charlottejoy.co.uk/
Katherine Sheers Artist
As something which is highly subjective and mutable, my sense of what constitutes beauty has evolved over the years. At this point in life, I find myself most drawn to the kind of beauty which emanates from a duality of vulnerability and strength. If a person, situation or philosophy embodies these two characteristics simultaneously, I find them to be one of the most enchanting and enduring versions of beauty imaginable. As an artist, I’m fascinated, perhaps even intoxicated by this combination and I return to it again and again in my drawings.
Don’t miss out of Katherine’s art, click the link here: https://katherinesheers.com/
Sophie and Hannah Pycroft Spectrum
‘We’re both very similar in the sense that we believe beauty to be about individuality and celebrating yourself rather than covering anything up as such. What makes each person unique is the same as what makes them special, and that’s their own version of beauty. We wear very little makeup throughout the week, partly because we don’t have much time but also because we’re not ashamed of our imperfect skin, uneven brows and dark circles, it’s part of who we are. Happiness is always the most important step in a beauty routine, and if more or less makeup makes you feel happy and confident then that’s great either way. It’s down to individual choices and not always putting pressure on yourself to live up to ideal beauty standards, embrace your flaws!’
Make sure you check out the Spectrum website by clicking the link here: https://www.spectrumcollections.com/