Couch to 5k
For the first time ever there is a Welsh language Sofa to 5k podcast and app for Welsh speakers, and Penarth View’s Health and Wellbeing Influencer, Rae Carpenter is at the heart of it!
Rae is the Personal Trainer for S4C’s FFITCymru which started at 8pm on Tuesday 2nd April for 8 weeks. She, along with 2 other experts, Sioned Quirke – Dietician and Ioan Rees, Psychologist will kick start the life transformation of 5 individuals from different parts of Wales.
You can also follow one of the 5’s plans via FFITCymru’s website – their 6 day a week alternating resistance then running plan. However, if you’re a Welsh speaker, Rae and Cwmni Da, the company behind FFITCymru have, for the first time ever, created something very special for you! You can now train to run a sofa to 5km distance by listening to Rae’s sofa to 5k plan for FFITCYMRU via their weekly downloadable podcast! To access week 1, head to their website.
Am y tro cyntaf erioed mae yna bodlediad, neu bodrediad yn gyfrwng y Gymraeg ar gyfer cynllun Soffa i 5km, a chawn ddiolch i’n ddylanwadwraig ffitrwydd ac iechyd, Rae Carpenter am hyn! Rae yw hyfforddwraig ffitrwydd personol FFITCymru ar gyfer S4C, a ddechreuodd am 8yh nos Fawrth 2ail Ebrill am 8 wythnos. Mae ei arbenigedd hi, ynghyd â Sioned Quirke, Dieategydd, a Ioan Rees, Seicolegydd yn mynd i sbarduno trawsnewidiad bywyd 5 unigolyn o bob ran o Gymru.
Cewch chi ddilyn un o’r 5 ar wefan FFITCymru – eu cynllun 6 diwrnod yr wythnos sydd yn dilyn cynllun ymwrthiant a rhedeg. Fel siaradwyr Cymraeg, mae Rae a chwmni cynhyrchu FFITCYMRU, Cwmni Da, wedi creu rhywbeth arbennig i chi am y tro cyntaf erioed!! Cewch hyfforddiant ar sut i gwblhau 5km wrth wrando ar y podREDIAD wrth ei lawrlwytho’n wythnosol. Ewch i wefan FFITCymru ar sut i wneud hynny.