Review: NoFit State Circus, Sabotage

“SABOTAGE brings a darker, grittier, and more subversive edge to our trademark large scale contemporary circus spectacular. Back in the Big Top with incredible new acts, original music, new apparatus and a more theatrical feel, SABOTAGE challenges the status quo.“
We were lucky enough to come and watch NoFit State Circus’ latest performance, Sabotage. And simply put…Wow!
Founded in 1986 by five friends, NoFit State Circus are a contemporary circus, combining live music, dance, stage design, text and film with traditional circus skills. Going back to the routes of the circus, the company live, work, eat and laugh together- travelling around different towns and cities, pitching up their tent, putting on an unforgettable performance and leaving as if they were never there.

The Big Top tent is set out in a classic circus style, with just a few rows of seats surrounding the stage, making it feel more intimate and gives you a perfect view of the show wherever you sit. Before the show had even started, members of the company walked around the tent, interacting with members of the audience as they set up the stage.
From start to finish, you are pulled into the intoxicating performances, each one unique but powerful in its own way. You can’t look away! Even the small, transitional pieces as they set up the rigging for the next, take your breath away. Although something that I particularly enjoyed was watching them all dart around the stage, clipping and unclipping wires and scaling the scaffolding as if is what a dance in itself.

Visually the show is spectacular. From the reams of falling fabric, hanging from aerialist, the guiding use of lights and film, or the poetic movements of each piece, you don’t want to blink in fear of missing a moment.
The talent of each member of the company is hard to put into words. Each had a role to play, from performing, rigging or playing an instrument, each one complimented the other so perfectly, helping it run seamlessly. Company member, Lisa Savini, was just one of the performers who would be suspended in the air one minute and sat at the piano in the next. Other performers such as; Aurora Morano, Besmir Sula, Bruno Toso, Diana Salles, Gracie Marshall, Riccardo Saggese, Renata Flores, Trystan Chambers, Teddy Helemaryam, Lee Tinnion and musician Toby Mottershead, all put on an incredible performance, and the use of a live band really pulled you into the performance.

I would recommend this show to anyone and everyone! For families, for something a bit different for date night or anyone looking for to immerse themselves in a compelling performance, exploring our separation and our belonging all in the language of circus.
NoFit State Circus will be here until the 11th September at Sofia Gardens so get your tickets now, this is a show that can’t be missed.
Buy your tickets here and check out more information about the SABOTAGE and the company here.