Penarth View issue 39 is launched to acknowledge Penarth coming together

We’re half way through 2020 and we hope that, by now, you and your loved ones have found some peace and a sense of normality in these surreal times. Whilst John and I are lucky our friends and loved ones are well, we know that for many of our wonderful readers this has been a very anxious time.
So, dear reader, thank you for continuing to support our wonderful community, our amazing small businesses, and reading our magazine. If you’re a key worker or work for the NHS, John, Will, Katherine, and everyone at the Penarth View team would like to say a special thank you for your hard work, not only through this pandemic, but every single day of the year.
We hope that our latest edition of Penarth View, brought to you by the wonders of technology, will continue to be useful, positive, and entertaining. We love the feel of a magazine, so we’re quite sad that we haven’t been able to print this issue. That won’t stop us though from living our mantra: switch off, relax on, and let’s escape—just remember to turn off those notifications. The emails, Aunty Edna’s GIF of a sausage dog dancing for the weekend, and the text message from the bank telling you their latest COVID-19 developments can wait. Time for you.