New Years Resolutions
New Year
The very first new years’ resolutions we recorded in the 1800’s, where Babylonians made their promises to the Gods at the start of each year, returning their borrowed objects and paying debts. These days resolutions take many different forms, and for some, are a great way to try something new. The PV team have compiled some ideas and tips to stick at them in 2019! Allow yourself to be inspired and good luck!
Tips for achieving your goals! |
Improving your mental health.
Mental well-being is a hot topic, with more people recognising the stresses and strains of daily life and life-changing events. Finding one thing that relaxes you and takes you outside of your day to day bubble can improve concentration, productivity, and happiness. It all starts by making time for a yoga class, a brisk walk or a sit down in your favourite chair for a 10-minute mindfulness exercise.
Finding the art of stopping time
FOMO no-mo’! Learning to indulge in your own company might feel boring at first, but learning to re-charge, switch off (everything off) and nap, read or take in a view, will help you feel 100 times better than a catch up with what Sandy last summer!
Learn a party trick
From making a penny disappear in a bottle of water or jumping eggs, party tricks can boost your confidence in a group setting and also be a brilliant conversation piece (even if it goes wrong!)
If exercise is top on your list this year, combine it with something different. Join a Rhythm Tap dancing class in Chapter Cardiff, a Park Run event every week, take circus classes with No FitState circus or raise money for charity as a group. If you exercise with others, the experience is more fun, socially stimulating and you’re less likely to give up!
Take yourself outside of your comfort zone.
Everyone, heard of someone doing a skydive or bungee jump, why not try something different and book a balloon ride from Bristol, chase a rolling cheese down Cooper’s Hill, or try paddle boarding the Taff with Pura Vida? You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the end of it!
Follow a dream
What’s your dream? Whether it’s owning your own bakery, visiting the seven wonders of the world or writing a poetry book. It all starts by taking a small step. Set a stall selling cakes at a fair, calculate how much money you can afford to save every month to travel, or go to your favourite Penarth coffee shop with your journal every Sunday. Don’t put this one off!
Whether its 3 new facts about a work skill, hobby or passion every week, a new language, a musical instrument (the list is endless), learning a new skill changes chemistry in your brain, can help stave off dementia, helps you adapt better to change and can add an extra bit of interest to you as a person. What’s stopping you?