Naughty & Nice Foodie

–Words by Katherine Peach
We all love to eat and drink as much as we want at Christmas, treating ourselves to our favourite delights. From a glass of Baileys, to bacon-wrapped…everything. But does you Christmas guilty-pleasure belong on the Naughty or Nice list?
Baileys- Wondering what to do with that left over Christmas Baileys? Have you got a bottle just gathering dust at the back of a cupboard? Before you even think about throwing it away, why not turn that delightfully intoxicating drink into a luxury Christmas treat by making a Baileys Cheesecake?
Tunis Cake-Â We’ve all heard of a Madeira cake, that simple sponge cake occasionally tainted with lemon. If you enjoy that, why no spice it up and made a Tunis Cake? With a thick layer of chocolate and a decoration of marzipan fruits. What’s not to love about this infamous Christmas treat?
Brandy Butter-Â Everyone knows the classic cream is the mince pies partner in crime, but this Christmas, why not try something different? This sweet, rich treat can be made with brandy, rum, whiskey or vanilla. A perfect addition to your mince pie or Christmas pudding!
Turkey- This is a lean mean, protein-packed machine! It’s also rich in tryptophan, which your brain needs to produce the “happy hormone” serotonin. Light meat is healthier than dark meat, so aim to load up on as much breast and lean leg meat as you can.
Tangerines- I’m sure not many of us jump up and down with joy at the sight of that tangerine at the bottom of our stocking. But tangerines, along with clementines and satsumas are all a great source of vitamin C, which is important for our immune system. Just what we need to get us through those winter months.
Cinnamon- This fragrant spice has been deservedly associated to all things Christmas! But as well as having powerful therapeutic properties. There is research to support that it helps control blood sugar and help conquer sugar cravings. So sprinkle cinnamon on your breakfast and to might find it easier to resist that second helping of Christmas pudding.