Local fundraising effort raises over £2,500 to support COVID-19 causes

Local man Nick Sylvester has raised £2,590 via a GoFundMe page. The page was initially set up to raise money for a laptop to help coordinate the Penarth Helping Hands group, who have hundreds of registered volunteers around the town to run errands, collect shopping and prescriptions and offer a listening ear.
After the outpouring of support received meant the initial target was reached quickly, Nick increased the target and decided to support local business Willmore’s 1938 feed NHS workers at University Hospital Llandough.
The new target of £2,500 has been smashed, having reached £2,590. This has enabled Matt and Charlotte at Willmore’s 1938 to supply over 400 nutritious, homemade meals to doctors and nurses quite literally on the frontline at Llandough.
NHS staff are under considerable pressure during this time. There are reports that NHS staff are finding it hard to get basic food whilst on shift. So the delivery of a hot, nutritious meal can make all the difference.
Willmore’s teamed up with local suppliers to ensure the money was spent locally to support other businesses in the town, to trying to keep it local and support the whole community and jobs.
As well as food, they’ve been delivering essentials like snacks, drinks, toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo to patients on the wards.
For more information and to make a donation, check out the GoFundMe page.