Horatio’s Garden Coming to Wales

Katherine PeachCommunity, Featured

An exciting and inspirational new project is coming to the Welsh Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Centre at University Hospital Llandough next summer, thanks to UK-wide charity Horatio’s Garden.

The charity creates and nurtures beautiful, accessible gardens in NHS spinal injury centres to support patients, their loved ones and NHS staff who are affected by spinal injury.

To date, they’ve opened vibrant gardens in Salisbury, Scotland, Stoke Mandeville, Oswestry and London, which are all cared for by dedicated teams of volunteers, who are led by a Head Gardener. In time, they plan to plant hope in all eleven NHS regional spinal injury centres/

Horatio’s Garden Wales will be their sixth project and has been designed by two-time RHS Chelsea gold medal winner, Sarah Price.

The charity is currently in the final phase of fundraising for the garden, which will offer calm and comfort to people from across Wales who are facing extraordinarily difficult times.

To discover how to support the charity by becoming a Horatio’s Hero, please visit www.horatiogarden.org.uk/heroes