Our Top 3 Places To Eat This Christmas

Christmas is just around the corner, meaning Penarth’s high-street will soon be dazzled by Christmas lights, local businesses will have the most festive window displays and shops will be selling an array of Christmas goodies. The most exciting time of the year for many, there’s no better season to spend time with family and friends, especially after spending so much time apart due to the pandemic. What better way to spend time with the ones you love than over a delicious meal and drinks. Here at Penarth View, we’ve put together a list of our favourite places to visit during the festive season and best of all, they’re right on your doorstep.
Willmore’s 1938: 4, Washington Buildings, Stanwell Rd, Penarth CF64 2AD

If you’re looking for a spot of lunch in a friendly environment, Willmore’s 1938 is perfect for you! Situated in Penarth’s town centre, Willmore’s serves the most delicious salads, homemade corned beef pie and lasagne! Visit their Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/willmores1938 or place a delivery here.
Barons Court: Penarth Rd, Llandough, Penarth CF64 1ND
Having not long re-opened, Barons Court has been restored to its former glory and turned into the perfect family place to eat. With their Christmas menu now announced, be sure not to miss out on what will be one festive Christmas meal! Head to: https://www.facebook.com/baronscourtpenarth now!
KEYIF Turkish Mediterranean Cuisine: 21 Glebe St, Penarth CF64 1EE

KEYIF has been a popular part of the community here in Penarth for the past 3 years. Providing Turkish Cuisine for everyone to enjoy, it comes as no surprise why KEYIF is our go-to at Christmas time. Click here to find out more.