Office Wear On A Budget

Now that life is finally returning to some form of normality and our days of working from home are gradually coming to an end, we’ve put together a list of tips and tricks about how you can restyle your wardrobe ready for returning to the office – all whilst on a budget.
Building up a wardrobe is something that happens over time. Not only does this spread out the cost, but it also allows for your clothes to stay updated.
Shop Your Existing Clothes
Before you even consider spending hours trawling through countless of clothes at the store to find that perfect pair of jeans, shop your existing clothes! You’ll be surprised at how much of your existing wardrobe you can bring back to life. Take some time trying on each pair of your trousers to find the pairs that fit nicely, pick out every button up shirt and nice blouse that you own, that skirt you wore once for an interview? Put it in the keep pile. Now it’s time to start outfit matching.
Decide Your Colour Scheme
Decide on your colour scheme for each outfit. The trousers are white? Match it with something dark, such as a black coloured blouse for that monochromatic look. Once you’ve figured out which of your existing clothes can be paired together, write a list of what you have and what you need.. You’ll start to build up a style in your mind, something that will make it easier for when you go shopping.

Write Your List
Include around seven outfits within your list. Don’t stress, you can definitely re-use a pair of trousers twice a week. Check out the following tips!
1: You’re going to want to include two to three pairs of trousers in your base colour. Two different coloured blazers, which should match with at least one of the trousers.
2: Three simple tops. For those that don’t particularly want anyone knowing they’ve re-wore the same top for the third time that week, stick to buying plain. Avoiding prints is a great way to not have anyone notice; People will remember if you wear the same leopard print top two times a week but chances are they won’t notice if you’re re-wearing a plain, simple one.
3: If you don’t already own some, find a pair of comfortable, flat shoes. They don’t have to be something your grandma would wear, but if you’re planning to wear the same pair daily then the more comfortable the better.
4: Buy a watch. It doesn’t have to be expensive. But a watch screams: “I’m serious about time, I’m never late for anything.” It just adds to the professional style.
5: Don’t go overboard with jewellery. Wearing earrings and a watch will be more than enough, sometimes adding a necklace too.
All of the things listed can be found whilst on a budget from stores such as Primark and Peacocks. You can also take a look at sale racks in New-Look, Matalan, Select and H&M. It is definitely worth taking a trip to your local high-street and visit the charity shops too. You can find expensive-branded clothing in them for not even a quarter of the original price!
Over time, you can gradually add to your collection and be a bit more adventurous in terms of prints and comfortability. Remember, you don’t need to spend over ten-pounds for each shirt or trousers. The cheaper, the better.