Local Florist diversifies business amid pandemic

Pippa-Marie SheppardBusiness

A local Florist from Penarth has diversified her business during the pandemic.

Toni Horne, from The Lily Pad Florist, took the opportunity to turn her passion for plants into another section of her business when a new space became available.

“I’ve always kind of had an interest with plants and flowers and when I retired from being a professional singer, I just wanted to do something that I could set up my own business.”

Before her business became a reality, Toni studied for many years, she added, “It was kind of like, I have a passion for this so i’m going to study. I studied for 9 years all-in-all but part time courses, so I did a lot of different courses.”

“When this became available, I thought ‘Come on, let’s go for it’. I started off with a flower school and then I went on to actually sell flowers as well, I became a florist.” 

When speaking about her family history, Toni said “My family was always in business in Penarth and I just wanted to follow through with it.” 

“The reason I diversified into the plant shop was because I studied plants as well as floristry. You can not keep plants in a florist shop because it’s too cold. So when the opportunity came for something so near, it was just perfect.” 

When talking about what had inspired her to diversify her business, Toni explained, “It was Covid that inspired me to be honest. People started to realise how important clean air is and plants are the best way of cleaning the air.” 

“The lovely thing is, I love the fact that I’m teaching people that if you buy that plant it takes things out of the air, that one is good for asthma, that one is good for this and that. So it’s kind of medical as well.”

Like many other businesses, the pandemic had an affect, however Toni has turned the situation into a positive. She said, “Covid obviously affected the business, but I did carry on working behind the scenes because it was they way that people would communicate with family that they could not see with flowers.”

“The lovely thing is that I got to see a lot of people who I felt were vulnerable. I could go and tell different places around Penarth that helped all these people.”

“It was lovely to be able to have contact with people and see them smile and knowing I was probably the only person they had seen in weeks. That was lovely.” 

Toni’s sister, Tracy Rowbottom, also added, “In some ways, lockdown had a positive affect on the flower industry because people who can’t visit and go themselves, they ordered more flowers.”

“It brought more thought into bringing business in and how you can help other people.”

The community also showed their support, with Toni saying, “Covid for us had a positive effect because the community are to gather and decided that shopping locally was the best way.”

“It made Penarth realise that we are totally self-efficient. We can survive without shopping outside of Penarth.” 

When it comes to the future of her business, Toni added, “In five years time I would love to think I’ll be doing exactly what I’m doing now.”

“I would love to do more studying regarding the plants.”

Having previously held monthly workshops, Toni has hopes to continue them when restrictions allow. 

“My workshops hopefully will be starting back as soon as we’re allowed. I’ve been a little busy at the moment but we are planning out workshops and we’ve got a lovely lady on board who is a Chelsea Gold Award winning Florist.” 

“Some of our future workshops will include Eco-friendly flower arranging.”

The interior of The Lily Pad and newly opened The Green Room truly illustrate Toni’s passion for plants and flowers, with her adding, “I dream most things. I dream my window displays. The tree was the more important thing. Somewhere in my shop there had to be a tree.”

“This shop is total indulgence. This is my dream shop.” 

“I’m monkey mad. There’s monkeys all over my shop.” 

Tracy also added, “She starts with a little seed and it grows from there really. One little tiny thing is the centre of the idea.” 

When asked about her persona favourite plant or flower, Toni said, “My favourite plant I would say is a Monstera Deliciosa, even the word is stunning. The leaves, the green-ness of it.”

“It’s a bit like your kids, you don’t really have a favourite. You just have ones you love. It changes a lot because there’s so many new flowers coming. So many new breeds of roses. I mean I love a David Austin Rose.”

“I’m just passionate about all of them.” 

“I find them interesting because I just want to find out what they like and what they don’t like.” 

The Lily Pad Florist and The Green Room is situated in Penarth Town. To find out more, visit https://www.lilypadflorist.co.uk