Local Businesses Join ‘Safe Place’ Campaign In Bid To Keep Penarth Residents Safe

Pippa-Marie SheppardBusiness, Community

A campaign to help keep Penarth residents safe officially launched yesterday with the Mayor of Penarth in attendance. 

Craig Parker Trott, from Apothecary64, came up with the idea for local businesses to be able to offer a ‘Safe Place’ to anyone in the community who requires it after the devastating recent events of Sarah Everard, Black Lives Matter and as a response to the outcry on social media regarding sexual harassment that many people around the world face every day. 

Craig said “Last year, lots of conversations and things happened… Lockdown made people feel uneasy to go outside.” 

“We hope that this will give some confidence back to the community. It’s for anyone to pop-in to diffuse the situation. We don’t want to put the business owners at risk and are not about taking the place of the police.” 

“It’s a way of adding another layer of eyes on the community.”

Newly elected Mayor, Councillor Ian Buckley, is fully supporting the campaign, with his attendance of the launch yesterday morning. He said, “It’s one of those things we wish we didn’t need, but we do. It’s sad that it’s needed, but it’s a fantastic scheme.” 

When speaking about members of the Penarth community, he added, “Regardless of their age or gender, it’s nice for them to know they’ve got somewhere safe to go.”

“I’ve got kids and grandkids, and to know they can just go into a shop and get help. It’s fantastic.”

“It would be lovely if we could get to the point where this won’t be needed. It’s a first step, the next step is people seeing stuff they’re not sure about and stepping in.”

“We want everyone in the community to have a lush time.” 

Local businesses that are of support of the Safe Place Campaign will display an orange sticker in their business windows, so that members of the public will be able to see clearly where they can go if in need of any help. 

Sam Long, the PCSO for Penarth Town Centre, also attended the launch, saying “With everything that has happened with the pandemic, everyone now has become more community orientated. Penarth is already a safe community but we are providing easier access for advice and support if anyone needs it in the community.” 

So far, Apothecary64, The Crepe Escape, Glass By Design, Anne Morgan Jewellery and Willmore’s 1938 have all been named as businesses in support of the campaign.