Keeping Toasty in the Office this Winter

As the summer days come to an end and winter is in full swing, everyone that works in an office will be more than aware that the shift in weather means a shift in style. Whilst the majority of the population raid their wardrobes in search of their favourite hoodies and comfy clothes, some of us will be worried about how we will manage to stay looking profession without struggling to stay warm. Here at View Publishing, we have come together to put all of our favourite tips and tricks into one place, so that you can keep your professional look this winter.
Simple but Smart

The one thing I was always told before starting my first job in an office was, the plainer the better. It’s so easy to dress-up or dress-down a simple outfit, meaning that you can recycle the same blouse three times within the same week, with minimal chance of anyone noticing. A dark coloured polar-neck and smart trousers are my go to for office wear no matter the weather.

A simple, yet effective addition to compliment any outfit. When the days become darker and frost begins to take ahold of everything in sight, we all reach for our scarves, wooly hats and gloves before heading outside. So why should it be any different when going into the office? Your neck is extremely sensitive to the cold, so matching a silky scarf to your winter-look will trap in your body heat whilst also ensuring you stay looking professional.
Winter Boots

During the winter months, I match any chosen outfit with a pair of stylish boots. Keeping to closed-toe footwear enables you to wear your favourite fluffy-socks underneath without anyone noticing. Remembering to add an extra pair of socks for additional cosiness if needed.
Cardigans are a Necessity

You’ll in no doubt be able to find a thick, woolly cardigan to match every outfit. This, paired with a scarf and woolly socks will definitely keep you warm and comfortable. Having a cardigan in black, white and grey will ensure you’ll always have a cardigan to compliment your outfit.
The Hunt for Deals

For those on a budget, take a trip to your local high-street or hunt through charity shops. You will be surprised at what you can find with your price range! Sale racks in New Look and Primark are always worth through too.
Layering is the most accessible way to keep warm. Keeping a cardigan at your desk, simply slung over the back of the chair for when you need it, wearing a vest or thin t-shirt under your shirt, or even wearing tights under your trousers. These simply, cheap tricks can be a life saver.
We may be sad to see those sunny days and late nights go, but as we embrace the chill of autumn and the frost of winter, remember that you don’t have to sacrifice looking professional to stay warm.