Keeping Christmas Alive for Kids

Christmas is a magic time for everyone but especially for kids. Watching kids fall in love with Christmas is wonderful (and not just because they get presents). So we want to help you keep the Christmas spirit alive with these great things you can do this Christmas to make it extra special for kids.
Elf of the Shelf
By now we’ve all heard of Elf on the Shelf. A special little elf that arrives every year around Christmas to watch over kids and report back to Santa. You can buy these in most shops now and they usually come with a little door “to the north pole”. I love this concept, especially as you can have a lot of much with it. Moving it around the house every night, setting up little scenes. A lot of fun for kids and adults.
Snow Boot Footprints on Christmas Day
This is a great little trick you can do on Christmas Eve when the kids have gone to bed. Depending on where “Santa” leaves the gifts, whether that’s under the tree or in their stockings. Cover the bottom of some boots (or wellies) with flour or another white powder that resembles snow, and make a path up to where the presents have been left.
Visiting Santa and Reindeers
As a kid, I remember one of my favourite things to do was visit Santa and there are so many places that do Santa visits, even with lockdown restrictions. There is something very special about seeing kids meet Santa. And it’s a perfect photo opportunity.
Everyone has their own Christmas traditions amongst their loved ones. Some are common traditions, like hanging stockings, decorating the tree together or baking festive treats. Keeping these traditions alive and passing them onto kids is so important and something they’ll always remember. Maybe even try starting a new Christmas tradition this year? Although the best traditions always happen by accident.
Writing a Letter to Santa
This is another popular Christmas tradition for kids. Get them to sit down and write a letter to Santa. But instead of only writing a list of things that they want, perhaps encourage them to tell Santa about their year, what they’re grateful for or what they’ve done this year that’s made them proud or particular happy. This can encourage your kids to see that Christmas isn’t just about getting presents.
Santa Comes to Everyone
There are many homes that don’t have fireplaces and this can be very confusing for younger children who are told Santa comes down the chimney. To make sure the kids know that Santa will be able to visit, use an old key (the older it looks the better) and tie a note to it that says “Santa’s Magic Key” and leave it outside the door before you go to sleep. This means Santa can come in to deliver the presents.
Track Santa
There was many apps and websites where you can “track Santa” on Christmas Eve and watch him go round the world. A lot of these websites look very official and realistic, which feels very magical. This can also encourage kids to go to bed on time to make sure their asleep before Santa gets to their house.
Preparing for Santa
A big part of Christmas Eve is preparing for Santa to come. Make sure to leave our a mince pie and milk (or brandy) for Santa and leave out a carrot for the reindeers. When the kids have gone to bed, take a bite out of the mince pie and the carrot, and drink the milk. If you have an Elf on the Shelf, make sure he’s “gone back to the north pole” and perhaps leave a note. It’s also time to fill the stockings and leave any other presents “from Santa” under the tree.