Nativity at Cosmeston

The must do Christmas event in Penarth. Bring the kids & come to Cosmeston Medieval Village and find out about why some rough farm workers, a handful of far-eastern scholars, an unruly mob and of course a refugee couple all discover about making way for some new King. Wrap up, enjoy and be transported back to Bethlehem. Mince pies and mulled wine afterwards in the Tithe Barn. 4pm start Sunday December 16th. Get there for 3.50 in order to park in Cosmeston car park, walk over boardwalk and listen out for the brass band. This isn’t just a nativity, it’s an Eden Church Penarth Nativity.
Go to ….


Dec 16 2018


4:00 pm - 4:45 pm


Cosmeston Lakes Country Park
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